Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Seven Scene Chiasm of Jesus with Pilate

John's Gospel records a seven scene interaction between Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ, the scenes moving between outside and inside settings. There is a literary structure as well, a Chiasm, with the central point seizing our attention as the main point in the sequence, the one which interprets the others.

John 18:28 - 19:16

a. Jesus handed over to Pilate for Crucifixion
  b. Jesus interviewed by Pilate about Kingship/Truth
     c. Pilate declares Jesus guiltless; freedom rejected
        d. Jesus beaten, crowned, and mocked: Hail the King!
     c. Pilate declares Jesus guiltless; freedom rejected
  b. Jesus interviewed by Pilate about Kingship/Authority
a. Jesus handed over by Pilate for Crucifixion

Here is a study guide to begin to ponder the meaning of the seven scenes:

A. The Savior-King Handed to the Gentiles: Exile - The Servant Israel bears judgment and is handed over to the Roman authority

B. The Savior-King Bearing Witness: The Good Confession
* 1 Timothy 6:13

C. The Savior-King: the Spotless Lamb
* He in whom no spot of guilt could be found took the guilt of all in whom no spotless righteousness could be found
- Triple Imputation/Representation (Adam to us; Us to Christ; Christ to Us)
- We are all Barabas, set free because the Savior-King was crucified. Barabas could never be a substitute for Christ, but Christ was Barabas’ substitute and liberator

D. The Savior-King Scourged, Crowned, Mocked, and Beaten by the Gentiles he came to save, the Roman ‘world’ which will submit to his reign of grace (Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 53)

E. The Savior-King Revealed in Shame: the mockery and rejection that will become worship and adoration when he is revealed in Glory
* Revelation 1:12-17; 19:11-16
- Rome DOES fall, as does Jerusalem; but both ‘fall’ not only in judgment but into the arms of the Savior-King

F. The Savior-King and True Authority
* The Silence of the Lamb, except where his Father’s glory is concerned
- The assertion of man’s reign always meets with God’s resistance and laughter

G. The Savior King and Crucifixion
* Putting to death the Prince of Life
- The Passover has been prepared; the angel of death and judgment begins to stir for his journey; the hour of deliverance has come: He who was ‘delivered up’ will by his sacrifice deliver the world from sin and to God.